Friday, July 22, 2011

Living the American Dream...

So folks, we did it. We finally made the move to good ole' ARE-KANSAS. Hence the title, living the American Dream... because everyone wants to live here... right? Anyway, so far,
not bad so good. [Trying to keep things positive here!] Since I am a pro at this whole living in Arkansas thing (Two whole weeks, guys! Count 'em! 1. 2!), I thought I would share my initial impressions on my new home. 

Things that are, perhaps, less than desirable...
-constant onslaught of creepy crawlies. Thanks, but no thanks.
- 90+ temps every day, PLUS humidity. 
-Our garage is a tad bit small. Petry (my car) is a bit wide, which doesn't leave much space for Heidi (J's car).
- No Costco, no JCrew, no Anthro, NO NORDSTROM... essentially, no great shopping. sidenote: This COULD be seen as a positive as it will only add ANOTHER reason on my long list to trek up to Chicago.
- There is not a pantry... I REPEAT... there is NOT a pantry.  Our home is pantry-less. So, we have resorted to storing our pantry items in our kitchen cabinets and drawers. 
Good Things...
-Loving our new little home (if for no other reason than my larger closet. More space = more clothes, right?)I'll post pictures as soon as I can find the camera. 
-Since we will be here for a little while, I finally feel ready to  invest time in decorating. (So, if anyone has some fun decorating ideas, feel free to send them my way!) 
-Everyone is SO friendly here. Its a nice change. Now, don't get me wrong. Utah people are plenty nice. However, it doesn't come close to southern hospitality.
-The next door neighbors have this dachshund (who is GIANT, btw) that has the most ridiculous bark you have ever heard. Now, some may think that would get irritating. However, I can only hear it when I walk outside... and its so funny sounding that I can't help but smile. 
-The humidity works wonders for my skin. 
-The Wal-Mart stores here are much nicer than elsewhere. This is good due to the fact that it is pretty much the ONLY grocery store there is here.
- We have our own little backyard...perfect for a grill and there is plenty of room for a little puppy to enjoy! (Now, to get the puppy)
[Much Love]

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